sales@ksvisions.com | 1.909.238.1977

Message From Our Founder

As a creative professional it is my duty to excite, develop reason, educate, or uncover the story within a product, place, or thing into the market that creates imaginative, innovative, reflective, motivative, humorous, or positive impacts with lasting impressions and profitable results. This is the type of energy I would love to bring to the table within your company.
I have provided insight, guidance, creative direction, and lead many projects to fulfil goal-oriented results across multiple industries. I have Continuously been willing to extend a helping hand at all levels of production; whether leading a team, loading sandbags on-location, hiking for miles during scouting events, operating the camera, or adding the polishing touches to the creative work myself.
Currently seeking a position within a company and/or project that encourages creativity beyond just a simple service. It’s one thing to like a job and another to live it out to its fullest potential. I have a firm belief in making a visual difference and believe after 15yrs of developed expertise in the business; this is just the beginning of my journey. I would love to work together in the process.
-Andrew Shelby
Creative Director - Senior Photographer @ KSVISIONS.COM

Andrew K. Shelby
Creative Director - Senior Photographer
· Pre & Post Commercial & Lifestyle Photography
· Pre & Post Video Production
· Web Layout Design w/ CMS sys, ecomm. & basic html/CSS
· Digital Graphic Design for Web & Print Collateral
· Creative Content Writing/Script Prep.
Adobe Creative Cloud,
Microsoft Suite, Cross Platform OS:
Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, Illustrator, Bridge, In-Design, After Effects, & Media Encoder.
Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
PC, & Mac OSX
Local School Activities, Benefit Shows, Auctions, Expos, Celebrity Signings, Commercial Studio Settings, Manufacturing, Fashion, studio Health and Wellness, Outreach, Local Networks, & International Television Productions, in 6 Continents & 20 + countries around the world.
I look forward to following up and discussing the opportunity to work together in more detail.